Things that upset my Threenager

Putting clothes on.

Taking clothes off.

His brother.


His daddy.

Pretty much his whole family, actually.

The word “NO”.

The food that he really loved last week and wants nothing at all to do with this week.

Going to playgroup.

Being told he isn’t going to playgroup.

The Wrong Pair Of Shoes.

Bath time.

The fact that his brother is already in the bath, because he should always be in the bath first EVEN THOUGH he said he wasn’t having a bath anyway.

Anybody else sending the Gro Clock to sleep, switching off the light or saying “goodnight” first at bedtime.


Starting an episode of Paw Patrol while he’s still putting his socks on. In the same room as the TV.

Anybody leaving the house without his express permission.

His brother getting into/out of the car first.

Not being allowed to “win” going down the stairs.



The words “RIGHT! THAT’S IT!”

Everything ever.

Who else is living with a tyrannical threenager? Hit me up! Make me feel normal and human again. Please?


“I hate noodles. They’re stinky.”











  1. wifeandmother · April 14, 2016

    You are certainly not alone! It’s like reading about my day. I have a 4&1/2 year old who’s been going through this for 2 years and a 2&1/2 year old who’s just starting out … God help me. Or them!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kat · April 14, 2016

    Oh god yes! My five year old going on fifteen and all these things annoy here, as well as going to school, coming home from school, walking with her friends, not walking with her friends, walking too fast, walking too slow, having glitter in her hair. When do they become happy? Kids! The cuddles and love yous make me feel a bit better though 🙂 #coolmumclub

    Liked by 1 person

    • Motherhood IRL · April 15, 2016

      Basically everything ever as well then? Good to know! Ah, if only those cuddles last longer than five seconds and we’re just a little less spiky ;).

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  3. Catie: Imperfect Mum · April 14, 2016

    Oh yes I remember this phase, pass the wine! And I know when people said it will soon be over I wanted to hit them with a frying pan so I won’t. But know that we get it! TY for linking up to #FamilyFun 🌸

    Liked by 1 person

    • Motherhood IRL · April 15, 2016

      I won’t hit you with a frying pan, I promise. I might run away for a couple of years though!


  4. babiesbiscuitsandbooze · April 14, 2016

    Oh no I have all this to come!! My nieces and nephews definitely went through this though. One still is and will often say ‘I want to go home’ over and over…until they are leaving then ‘I don’t want to go home’. Usually accompanied by wailing and maybe a bit of stamping. #coolmumclub

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    • Motherhood IRL · April 15, 2016

      Oh yes! We have that too, and it’s usually somewhere really quiet and he is really loud and I just kind of want the ground to swallow me up!


  5. Story of my life right here! I want to play in the dirt. Oh look you have a shovel, I want it and I’ll trade you for my stick. Wait, you’re playing with the stick? Now I want it. Just kidding I hate the dirt I’m hungry. Two bites later? Not hungry. Everything is what is that, what are you doing, what song is this, who is that momma? He puts himself in time out when he thinks he did something bad and then cries because he’s in time out. You can come out of time out. No — queue wailing. You and I could be great friends my dear. They’re so cute when they’re sleeping though right?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Motherhood IRL · April 14, 2016

      Oh God, I laughed so hard reading this! THAT’S MY EXACT LIFE! I wish I could get inside his tiny mind just to have some tiny fucking clue about what’s going on up there. I’m going to go Twitter-stalk you now ;). Oh, and YES; they are ADORBS when they’re asleep… Except that they’re hardly ever fucking asleep! Or is that just mine?


  6. mummuddlingthrough · April 14, 2016

    My daughter seems to have taken a turn for the worst, and she just turned four! I thought we were past this! Yesterday, an hour long marathon tantrum over a bug that flew away. *sigh*
    Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub

    Liked by 1 person

    • Motherhood IRL · April 15, 2016

      Noooo! Mine is all about coats and shoes at the moment. If they’re not the right ones he will scream bloody murder. And having the right shoes on does not mean that wearing the wrong coat is okay, or vice versa. Gah!

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  7. The Mum Project · April 15, 2016

    hahaha oh god this kind of scares me, I’m just going to enjoy the infant stage a little bit more now and tell myself that not sleeping is okay. ; ) Thanks for sharing with #StayClassy!

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  8. mummyhereandthere · April 15, 2016

    Haha. This is such a tricky stage paritciurly because this is when the language learning is at his peak I think that can impact on behaviour. They certainly don’t like no a that age and are very egocentric. X #thelist

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  9. Rachel (Lifeathomewithmrsb) · April 17, 2016

    Oh i remember that stage! I am so thankful my children are age 5yrs and 10yrs! Mind you they both still hate the word no! Thank you for linking up to #fancyacoffeefriday

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Threesypeasy · April 18, 2016

    Typical threenager life – my eldest is 4 & 1/2 and this just sounds like my day. My favourite is ‘you’re not my best friend anymore’ then five minutes later ‘I love you mummy’ and then the next moment melt down over not having any apple juice! The joys ay? #TheList

    Liked by 1 person

  11. occupation:(m)other · April 18, 2016

    Oh those eyes though!! I have a two and a half year old and end up baffled most days…we’re definitely entering threenager land. I have to say though paw patrol elicits the same response in me if I’m in the same room as it, socks or not. #familyfun

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  12. Nursery Whines · April 19, 2016

    I’m not there yet, but can only imagine. Good luck. #Chucklemums

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  13. Fran @ Whinge Whinge Wine · April 19, 2016

    This has me quaking with terror because my two year old had a screaming ft yesterday lasting almost half an hour because I did something wrong with/to her apple (which she ate in the end anyway). It’s going to get worse?!?!


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    • Motherhood IRL · April 19, 2016

      Probably a bit, and it’ll always be over weird stuff that has you like “why is this so important to you?!” It will be okay in the end (or so I’m told)!


  14. justsayingmum · April 19, 2016

    Inspired!! To be honest on some days I think I behave like your threenager – life and rules get right in the way sometimes Brilliant post! #Chucklemums

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    • Motherhood IRL · April 19, 2016

      I think I probably do too, to be honest. Must exasperate my husband something shocking!


  15. fairyqueen · April 19, 2016

    Phew I’m glad most kids are the same, I thought I was just doing it wrong;)

    mainy – myrealfairy


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  16. mumzilla · April 19, 2016

    Haha, mine is a total tyrant still at 5! Thanks for linking up with #chucklemums 🙂

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  17. mine just graduated from threenage to a big boy of 4 – nothing changed other than the level of screaming which appears to have increased. Tyranny rules supreme in our house! #chucklemums

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